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Top 10 Web Site Tips for Improving Online Shopping Sales

Are you a webmaster searching for ways to improve your online shopping profits and drive targeted traffic to you? The following tips may be your answers to success:

1. Provide easy-to-read web copy.

Your making it easy for your web site visitors to read your web copy seems like a no-brainer. Right? Well you might be surprised how many web masters make this critical mistake.

So to help ensure your web page is easy to read, never use light colored text on a light background, like yellow text on a white back-ground...

And never use dark text on a dark web site layout background, like dark blue text on a black back-ground.

2. Use "attention getting" headlines.

By using headlines in your web site layout design, you'll grab your reader's attention which can greatly help to keep web site visitors at your site longer - and increase your opportunity to make money.

Make the headlines pop-out by using different font sizes ("H1", "H2" or "H3" headlines sizes work the best) and different font colors than that of your normal web page copy.

The added punch of having headlines (and mini-headlines) works extremely well to pull your readers into the rest of your web page copy.

3. Create an online shopping mood.

You can use your web site copy to create a mood for your web site visitors by using pictures and different text colors.

For example, to create a mood of excitement use a bright color like red. Or by using a picture that shows money or success, you'll create a mood of desire and aspiration.

The key is to use colors and pictures that get your web site visitors to achieve your most desired goal...whether it be to buy your product, join your free newsletter or click on your affiliate link.

4. Highlight important web site keywords.

By showing emphasis on certain words, you'll ensure your web site visitors are reading these important keywords for that page.

You can highlight keywords with bolding, underlining, using italics and color changes to effectively spotlight keywords or phrases.

Most importantly, using the right keywords will drive an unlimited amount of ready-to-buy traffic to your site 24 hours a day!

Read more about how to drive thousands of hungry customers to your site HERE.

5. Use proper web site font size.

Your web site writing copy should normally be "size 2". You should only use larger font sizes for important headlines and subheadings you want to bring attention to.

Using a font size 1 should never be used in normal web copy because it's very hard to read an entire page of copy so small. However, using a size 1 font is OK to do at the bottom of every web page where you show your contact, privacy and terms of use info.

6. Use ALL CAPS sparingly.

It's critical to never use all capital letters in your entire web site writing copy -- EVER!

It looks unprofessional, is very hard to read and is the fastest way to lose web site visitors fast. Use all caps very sparingly, only 1, 2 or 3 words at a time, and use them appropriately for a critical point you want to get across to your readers.

7. Use proper web site font style.

The font style for normal web site writing copy should be easy to read and appropriate for your target audience. For example, never use a comic font style for a professional web site.

The most popular font styles for web site copy include; Verdana, Arial, Helvetica and Sans-Serif.

Note: For headlines and sub-headings, try using the "Georgia" font for a nice clean and unique style -- FYI, I use it for all my headlines on this site.

8. Use proper spacing to create "white space".

It's very critical to use spaces properly when creating your web pages.

Web site writing copy that is bunched together is very difficult to read. Therefore, be sure to only include a only few sentences at a time in one paragraph.

Your web site readers will greatly appreciate it and they will stick around longer.

9. Avoid using bright colors and bright back-rounds.

If your web site writing copy makes your web visitors feel like they need to put on a pair of sunglasses, they will leave your site never to return!

Using all bright text colors and backgrounds on your web site will not only make your web copy very hard to read, but it can actually hurt your web visitors' eyes too.

Just keep the colors "toned down" and never include bright colors in your entire web page -- and you'll keep your readers (and their eyes) happy.

10. Always check spelling and grammar.

People want to buy from someone who comes across like a professional -- not a pre-schooler.

So it's critical to always check your web site writing copy for errors before sending it out into the World Wide Web. Nothing will lose online sales faster than having web copy full of spelling and grammar errors.

Note: There is one exception to the rule...when writing a sales page, you're allowed to break a few grammar rules to help get important points across.

To Sum Up:

A critical element to improving your online profits is by improving your web site writing copy.

By applying the 10 online shopping tips above, you'll ensure your web site layout design and web page text is "reader friendly" to your web visitors.

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